Simple Times: Crafts for Poor PeopleSimple Times: Crafts for Poor People by Amy Sedaris
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As fans of my blog already know, I love certain crafts. I can't say I've ever been a huge fan of crafts that involve taking those extra things from around the house (or buying stuff some strange people still keep around the house---sugar cubes, for example) and making them into something even weirder than they already are. In other words: one time through elementary school was enough for me.

The wonderful thing about Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People is that you can make this journey through "craft land" vicariously via Amy Sedaris's (disturbing) photo montages, and commentary.

On a side note, I had to special order this book at my local indie because they claimed when they first got it in, they couldn't sell it. Okay, I'll admit that it's not the sort of humor book you would sit down and read cover to cover. It's more of a book for those days when you just want to read a chapter or two of something that will help you hate the world a little less that day. The chapter on "Making Love" is priceless! That alone is worth the price of the paperback. There's an entire page dedicated to "beautifying your pleasure patch", and the pictures are not to be missed. Other not-to-be-missed pics: Amy Sedaris demonstrating pre-craft stretching exercises before the all important safety section.

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