Book Review: Trapped by Michael Northrop

TrappedTrapped by Michael Northrop
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was the perfect book for a rainy Sunday: easy to follow plot with a cliff hanger at the end of each chapter that kept me turning the pages.

I'm a Jack London fan and this book had a good combination of action and grimness. I don't want to get into too much detailed description and give anything away. A group of seven students (high school freshmen and sophomores) end up staying at school too late when a nasty blizzard blows into town and stays there. They turn the school into a makeshift shelter and do their best to survive while they wait to be rescued. Unsurprisingly, being holed-up in an old high school with two friends, two girls, and two class weirdos is not the highlight of Scott Weems' year, and it's about to get worse.

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