Rewrite Horror

Lone GnomeI think something creepy is going on in my house: some idiot is working on my manuscript behind my back! Can you believe that? It's the only explanation I can come up with for the sea of crap I've been wading through: awkward sentences, bad dialogue, misspellings (WTF!?!?!?!?!) Clearly I would never write that way. So, yes, I have a manuscript gnome and it's a bad one.

frustrationThe same gnome also seems to be turning my brain into Swiss cheese. I sit down to fix the mess he has made, and here's what I go through:
::typing:: Shit! That's even worse than it was before. ::deleting:: Fuck! Now my wordcount for the day is a negative number. Nooooooo!

This is so terrible, I don't even know how I can fix it.

I am hopeless.

I should just go shopping.

Maybe I'll watch a zombie movie.

Has anyone viewed my blog today. Let's check those stats.

If anyone out there still has the delusion that writing is sexy, try again. 

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Book Review: Bangs & Whimpers


Review: Vixen (The Flappers #1)