Book Review: Whiskey Words & a Shovel II

My rating: 1 of 5 stars
We need a "total bomb" rating on here from Leonard Maltin's movie ratings. This poetry volume deserves it. I sacrificed time that I could have spent slaving over my own manuscript, scrolling through Facebook, masturbating, or maybe even reading a worthwhile poetry book and I'm never going to get those hours of my life back. Just poof! they're gone. They're gone thanks to "feminist" poet r.h. Sin who went from Instagram to real books because that's what the kids are doing these days. You can find out all about it here
The poems in this volume and the snippets of others I saw a bimbo post on Instagram are sophomoric efforts to capture the middle of the night utterances we share when we're drunk at parties and fighting sleep. Let's take this little gem as an example:
in love with your potential
suffering from the reality
my mind knows
what my heart ignores"
Problems: 1. The meter is basically nonexistent. the first two lines are not parallel in language or concepts. I'm suffering from the reality that this book is terrible, but this poor line is just sitting there like it pulled up in the wrong space in a parking lot. The poem does nothing to evoke the sense of potential of the feeling of disappointment at unrealized potential.
It should be something like: In love with your potential/ disillusioned by your choice
Mind currently understands/Heart cannot accept. (I need two more syllables)
You see where I'm going with this though? The original is rubbish. The rewrite is still rubbish, but slightly more enjoyable.
If you're a guy who has a girlfriend that you've been cheating on for years while she lends you money, and you want to help her feel beautiful and #deep so that she will post pictures of this on Instagram that you can ignore while you're out with other women, this book is for you. It that doesn't describe you, just don't read it.