Summer Reading 2017 Project
As a high school student, I hated summer reading. I was a slow reader, and I didn't like anyone telling me I needed to select anything from a list. Also, since my mom was an English major in college, I never was at risk of just reading Stephen King all summer (not that there's anything wrong with that), but the books I chose to read were usually right along the lines of the ones included on the summer reading lists anyway.
These days, a lot of local high schools are making summer reading optional and I agree with that philosophy. I also want to support summer reading for a couple of readings: 1. A lot of people really love it (teens, tweens, and adults). The summer is a great time to catch up on good books. 2. I know it's a vain hope, but I like to think that like a fitness routine, if you get into a good reading routine, we might find it easier to continue that. I can dream, right?
Anyway, my small contribution to all of this is what I am referring to as my Summer Reading 2017 Project.
Summer Reading 2017 Project
photo credit: Florian F. (Flowtography) Week 15 - Chillaxing via photopin (license)