Review: Vampires: A field guide to the Creatures That Stalk the Night

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Vampires: A Field Guide to the Creatures That Stalk the Night
By Bob Curran
Published by Open Road Press
I’d like to make it clear that I’m biased--zombies are my first love. If the creature doesn’t lust for brains and has all its parts intact, it’s not going to be my cup of tea---or entrails, or whatever. That said, I really enjoyed Bob Curran’s Vampires: A Field Guide to the Creatures that Stalk the Night. Folklore and mythology are two of my loves, and this illustrated guide satisfies my lust for both.
Curran compiles vampire lore from all over the world into this concise guide, complete with popular legends from each region. While the sophisticated vampire fan out there might find a lot of this information obvious, this is a terrific first book for the new vampire lover.
**This review is based on an uncorrected proof furnished by the publisher via NetGalley**