Happy Banned Books Week
I'm feeling kind of sluggish today, but when I look at the blog stats and all the wonderful people who have entered the giveaway so far, I feel all warm and fuzzy. (No sarcasm, I really do. It's kind of scary.)
Banned Books Week stirs-up a bittersweet blend of feelings in me. So many of the books that make the list are wonderful, and I'm grateful that we live in a country where even banning a book doesn't mean it totally disappears. However, I'm often disappointed by the petty excuses used to ban books; more on all that later.
[Update: The Banned Books Week giveaway for 2011 is now closed to entries. Thank you to all participants. Winners will be selected and notified shortly.]
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie (Kindle edition)
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (Kindle or paperback)
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (Kindle or paperback)
Check back at http://www.1600words.com for the latest updates on YA reads and the writing life.