Review: No Hot Chicks in This One

Sister Species: Women, Animals and Social JusticeSister Species: Women, Animals and Social Justice by Lisa A. Kemmerer

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Just to be clear: I disliked this book because of the execution, not the idea. In general, I'm in favor of any work that promotes equality for people and the humane treatment of animals.

For starters, the introduction goes on forever and I never felt a personal connection with anything presented in [title: Sister Species] which makes me wonder who this book is even for. If Lisa A Kemmerer hopes to use this work to pursuade others to become advocates for social justice (as she sees it), Sister Species isn't going to do it.

Also, as a general note about this type of book, I am really tired of authors who supposedly want to promote social justice and tolerance while they preech that everything you're doing that is unlike what they're doing is wrong. We're never going to get anywhere if we trade-in one type of oppression for another, regardless of the motivation behind it.

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