An embarrassment of riches
OMG! I have so many ARCs to read right now, it's not even funny. Also, I have a ton of library books I want to get to, research for my next two books, and, I promised a friend I'd start getting in on the Sookie Stackhouse action.
Thanks to Goodreads, I'll be reading and reviewing Never Knowing by Chevy Stevens published by St. Martin's Press. You might recognize those folks from all the press Amanda Hocking has been getting lately. They're the ones who just offered the previously self-published author a ridiculously generous book deal.
LibraryThing sent me Annoying: The Science of What Bugs Us on CD. At least I can multitask and listen to that on my way to work.
Also, I have a ton of stuff from NetGalley. I browsed their catalog and kind of went crazy because I didn't think I'd actually get approval for all of these. If you have a book blog, seriously, you need to get an account on NetGalley---it's awesome!
I've started reading The Ambition by Lee Strobel (June 2011 release) and so far, it's pretty good. It's not the kind of book I usually review, but I have a soft spot for legal thrillers. The way I see it, I'm starting my summer reading early.
In stores now--April and Early May Releases:
The Lipstick Laws by Amy Holder (released April 2011)
This Girl is Different by JJ Johnson (released April 2011)
The Betrayal of Maggie Blair by Elizabeth Laird (released this April)
The Third by Abel Keogh (released April 8th)
Eutopia: A Novel of Terrible Optimism by David Nickle (released April 15th)
The Cellar by A.J. Whitten (released May 2nd)
Next on the list, I just got approved for two books from Harlequin Teen:
Spellbound by Cara Lynn SchultzThe Girl in the Steel Corset
by Kady Cross
Lisa Wray (May 31 release). I had to throw the cover image in on this one because you've got to admit: it's all about the red dress.
Ultraviolet by R.J. Anderson (June 2011 release)
Eat Slay Love by Jesse Petersen (July 2011 release). As Mike Eller put it, "The family that slays together, stays together." Aw.
Unbeatable Resumes by Tony Beshara (published by AMACOM)
The Poisoned House by Michael Ford (September 2011 release)
Guantanamo Boy by Anna Perera (September release)
Queens of All the Earth by Hannah Sternberg (October 2011 release)