Review: The Compound by S.A. Bodeen

The CompoundThe Compound by S.A. Bodeen

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Better than a sharp stick in the eye.

Eli Yanakakis's father, Rex, hides his family in an elaborate bomb shelter that he refers to as "The Compound" to save them from a nuclear blast. Rex tells Eli and the rest of the family that they will need to live underground for 15 years. Eli is plagued with guilt because his twin brother, Eddy, his grandmother, and their labrador retriever, Cocoa didn't make it into the compound. As the years go by, he starts to envy them because by year 5, they're running out of food.

I gave this book two stars for originality, but that's the only good point. What really did this book in for me? Eli's mother reveals that she knew Rex was a control freak, but she married him for his money (that's a new one, right?) See if you can guess what's on the menu after the normal food is gone. Yes, it is what you think.

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